Our curriculum
Early Years
Our Early Years students follow the Early Years Foundation Stage, with a concentration on effective teaching and learning through playing, exploring and active learning to enhance creative and critical thinking.
There is a strong focus on the core developmental areas of communication and language, physical development, literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, expressive arts and personal, social and emotional development.
Teaching methodology
Maranatha’s teaching methodology takes a blended approach, combining direct teaching, individualised self-learning and hands-on practical teaching and guidance. Personalised instruction and online support are also provided to enhance learning.
Assessment varies by subject and primarily consists of written exams, sometimes alongside coursework completed throughout the course. Assessment methods may include projects, written and verbal presentations, fieldwork, experiments, investigations and artistic work.
Years 1 - 6
In the primary years, we plan learning to meet the requirements of national curriculum standards, including the delivery of PSHE. We explore the curriculum through termly topics covering a range of subjects, including History, Geography, and Art and Design.
We teach Maths and Science using the published White Rose scheme, ensuring progression through regular assessment. English is taught through engaging storybooks that encourage creative writing and a love of reading.
All learning is underpinned by Biblical teachings and values, with regular Bible teaching keeping Jesus at the centre of everything we do, alongside times of prayer and worship.
Key Stage 3 (Years 7 and 8)
Our KS3 class follows a broad curriculum designed to prepare students for their GCSE options. Each subject aligns with the National Curriculum, serving as a bridge between primary education and the more specialised approach of GCSE study.
Taught KS3 lessons:
Religious Studies
DT Design Project
Forest school/bushcraft
Music/Worship sessions
Morning Devotions
Bible Studies
Key Stage 4 (Years 9, 10 and 11)
GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are highly regarded by colleges and employers. They play a key role in university applications, alongside A Levels. GCSEs are offered in a broad range of academic and applied or work-related subjects, providing students with diverse opportunities for further education and career pathways.
Taught GCSE lessons:
English Language
English Literature
Other taught lessons:
Forest school/bushcraft
Music/Worship sessions
Morning Devotions
Bible Studies
Additional optional subjects are available to complement these studies. These are offered through Immanuel Online School, a paid learning platform that some of our students access.
Online lessons:
Computer Science
Business Science
Our educational aims at Maranatha are to:
engender a love of learning and a lifelong desire to grow academically, spiritually and emotionally
promote British values and citizenship
improve emotional and social wellbeing of students
coach students and foster an appreciation for sports and other physical activities
foster self-confidence, resilience and coping skills
support parents and carers with their child’s participation in a range of activities within the school
work in partnership with parents to build awareness of student’s learning
facilitate spiritual growth in partnership with the primary educators, the parents, carers and the church
encourage and support every child to reach their full potential